What are physical simulations

A simulation imitates the functioning of physical processes or systems with the help of models. The models can use varying boundary conditions to predict the interaction of different influencing factors. This allows buildings and areas to be put to the virtual test during the planning phase.

Advantages of simulations

Simulations are a tool for the overall optimisation of buildings, sites or infrastructure structures. The building is considered holistically across all trades. All system components interact with each other and the entire life cycle is taken into account. This allows questions to be answered early on in the planning phase and uncertainties to be eliminated. This creates a wide range of added value for the environment, the client, the construction project, the investor and the user of the building.

  • Reduction of energy consumption, grey energy and greenhouse gas emissions
  • Reduction of operating costs
  • Optimisation of building technology
  • Avoidance of discomfort
  • Planners work in a coordinated manner on an overarching trade concept
  • Simulation serves as a virtual test bench
  • Opportunities and potential are recognised in good time, planning risks are reduced
  • Client receives a better basis for planning and implementation decisions
  • Findings from simulations become relevant for authorisation
  • Buildings function as planned during operation
  • Increase comprehensibility: Visualisation of results
  • Consideration and optimisation of buildings depending on different parameters simultaneously (e.g. daylight, thermal comfort, building services systems)

Overview of our simulation competences

The following topics can currently be addressed via the Experts in the association:

  • Evidence
  • Building performance
  • Acoustics
  • Comfort
  • Building technology
  • Energy grids
  • Light
  • Fire protection