Media release: June 2023

The building simulation industry is shaping up

The Swiss Building Simulation Association held its first general meeting in mid-May. According to the unanimously re-elected board, the current focus is on expanding communication, building a comprehensive network and preparing for Swissbau 2024.

The Swiss Building Simulation Association was founded on 22 December 2022 with the aim of establishing physical simulations in the construction industry. Almost 40 companies and private individuals have now joined the association. The board is currently developing a mission statement to create a basis for the association's activities. It also wants to improve its networking through personal contacts in order to expand its dialogue with politicians, various institutions, buyers, software manufacturers, planners and other associations in the construction industry. The plan is to create a platform that brings all these players together, promotes professional dialogue on building simulations and sets quality standards.

Advancing simulations
To increase confidence in building simulations, simulation methods and results must be of high quality. The association aims to promote this by defining criteria for simulations and simulation methods as well as establishing control options. It is also developing training and further education programmes to attract qualified specialists. In order to achieve these goals, the Executive Board will be stepping up its membership recruitment efforts in the coming months. The association's website will be launched soon and will complement the existing LinkedIn page. In addition, planning is already underway for Building Simulation Switzerland's presence at Swissbau 2024.

Unanimous election
At the well-attended first general meeting on 17 May, those present expressed their approval of the work of the Board of Directors by unanimously confirming the eleven-member committee in office. After the meeting, networking and knowledge sharing took centre stage over an aperitif riche. The conclusion of the discussions: the development of the association is in full swing, the demand from the industry is high and the cooperation between the members is fun.

Contact for media enquiries
Andreas Witzig, President Building Simulation Switzerland
058 934 45 73

Swiss Building Simulation Association
c/o ICP-ZHAWTechnikumstrasse 71
8400 Winterthur
+41 58 934 76 82
